Monday, November 17, 2008

520R - Journal # 4

What is your first reflection when you are asked the questions of “Nano”? I’m pretty sure a great group of people will have iPod Nano in their mind, so do I. However, what is the precise meaning of nano?

Fortunately, Jennifer Kahn, in his “Welcome to the World of Nanotechnology”, shows us a perspective picture of nanotechnology. Nano is short for nanometer, one-billionth of a meter. Generally, nanotechnology is to use some technique to reorganize the structure of substances or to induce substances to grow under controlled conditions. Compared with other high-tech, the entry cost of nanotechnology is low enough to attract global investment and research. Scientists have focused on various fields of application, such as anti-rusting electrical wire, strain-resistant bulletproof vest, antibacterial refrigerator, etc. Although lots of them require a quite long way to research, we should feel pleased because they will come true finally. I’m not sure if the entire of the product is made by nanotechnology and nanomaterials, but some nano-goods are available in the market. I have an experience recently. Because of the decoration, my father chose a new kitchen table board which is made from so called nanomaterial. As I major in food science, I know if the board is exactly from nanotechnology, it can keep the sanitation quite well, for bacterial is not small enough to enter the board. I always think nanotechnology is so far away from me, my daily life, and that’s why I suspect it. Nevertheless, I should believe in it, because when I spilt water onto the board, the water separated into small drips and each one looked like a ball which never happened in a normal material board.

That the heath's goal is to identify cancers early should be the greatest dream of nanotechnology which uses nanomarker to track early cancer cells and use other related methods to kill the cancer cells. It sounds excellent and I totally believe that one day it will come into my life just like the nanoboard did to me.

Like medicine, many new technologies have adverse effect to human beings, so does nanotechnology. Scientists are afraid that nanopartical can spread through all of the human body and cause some damage to our organs, even though the evidence is not sufficient. What’s I hope is that more studies and research are undertaken and ultimately we can use this spectacular technology in our daily life.

Welcome to the World of Nanotechnology
By Jennifer Kahn

National Geographic


Win'home said...

Your home's table is so mystical,and I like it so much.Also wishing the food which you cook for me.:)

Eilidh said...

This is an intersting journal post and I like how you have related it personally to your own life. You are right to point out that with new technology, we must always consider the good with the bad.
Please make sure that you proofread carefully!